I’m back!

Wow, it’s been so long since I blogged last! 2009 was a fun and exciting year and I want to catch you all up on the amazing weddings and fun portraits I was so fortunate to be able to shoot. 2009 also was the year of the two year old in my house, so blogging, unfortunately got pushed to the wayside as hikes in the woods, snuggle time and reading funny books, and hundreds of trips up and down playground slides ruled my days. I’m not going to blog all the events all at once, but I thought I’d start with my latest sessions and work my way backwards.

I have found lots of new vendors that I can’t wait to share with those of you planning your weddings. The Pacific NW is full of creative, talented, and amazing professionals and I want to spread the news about the ones I loved working with. I also want this blog to be a place where you can share your ideas, tips, and latest findings, so comment on a post or contact me to be a guest blogger! I plan on having a few of my clients from last year add a post about their own weddings, what they found worked, what didn’t, and all the adventures they had along the way.

So, first up, my last portrait session, 19 day old Nolan!

Nolan is the adorable son on Jason and Kelly. I photographed their beautiful wedding a couple of years ago at Edgefield, and now they have welcomed a lovely little guy into the world. I went over to their place the day after Christmas for some relaxed portraits of the new family and to meet the newest addition. It was great catching up with my couple and I wish them the best on all the new adventures coming their way!

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