Lindsey + Jared

 So I was going through my hard drive on my computer and cleaning it up in preparation for 2011. I’ve backed everything up on dvds and external hard drives, but came across this folder of Lindsey and Jared’s wedding photos from August 2009. These were all taken with either a macro lens or my 85mm portrait lens, her wide angle images are in another folder. I absolutely love this couple and wanted to share some more images than the  beautiful ones that were published in Portland Bride and Groom Magazine last summer.

 If you want to get to know a most amazing designer and overall lovely lady, then check out Lindsey on her incredible site Lost & Fawned.

Anyway, enjoy! All photos taken on location at Cannon Beach, Oregon.

One Response to Lindsey + Jared

  1. Congratulation to you.You are looking most beautiful couple in the world.

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