The Peterson Family


Little Ms. D, she melts my heart. I came over to their new home, and she wasn’t too sure about me at first. I can be a bit intimidating looking with my big cameras, but she started to warm up after a bit of tickles and laughs. Hearing her call my name, “Rishtina, Rishtina, again and again, after I gained her trust, I was over the moon honored! I photographed her mom and dad’s wedding several years ago at McMenamin’s Edgefield and have been so happy to be invited to come over and photograph Ms. D’s newborn and yearly portraits. It’s so much fun watching and documenting the kiddos growing up.  I can say, “I knew your parents when…haha” I love it, I love this family!


The Kolmer Family

This family post is just perfect to come next, it’s the Kolmers! Great friends with the Hermans, who introduced us to each other. Since then I have photographed this beautiful family starting with the little one when he was just a toddler and her entire family all together. I’m so thankful for this incredible friendship also and count mom C. as a good friend!  I’m so jealous of the hair going on here. I always wanted curly hair and this family is blessed!  Fun, loving, sweet, this family is so amazing to be around. If you’re friends with them, you know what I mean!

The Herman Family

I love this family and being lucky enough to photograph them each year! I’m blessed in so many ways by knowing them and being invited into their lives.  I met mom when she was looking for a photographer to capture her maternity session when they were a family of three with one-one-the way. I count her now as one of my closest friends, XO.

Newborn sessions, Birthdays, a milestone Anniversary, and numerous yearly sessions later, and now, they are a beautiful family of five. Walking into their home and seeing my work over the years as art on their walls is so humbling and gratifying. I’m so happy that I have been able to capture memories that they treasure so much. Thank you Herman Family! And thank you for reminding me that it goes both ways. I need to have my own family documented each year and remember to get in front of the camera once in a while, not always be behind it.

The New Year is close and I would love it if all of you make one of your resolutions to have your family photographed, be it by friends, loved ones, or a professional photographer, in the year 2013. Plus, make sure YOU get in the photo!

Photo Location: Cooper Mountain Nature Park in Beaverton, Oregon.

Lindsey + Jared

 So I was going through my hard drive on my computer and cleaning it up in preparation for 2011. I’ve backed everything up on dvds and external hard drives, but came across this folder of Lindsey and Jared’s wedding photos from August 2009. These were all taken with either a macro lens or my 85mm portrait lens, her wide angle images are in another folder. I absolutely love this couple and wanted to share some more images than the  beautiful ones that were published in Portland Bride and Groom Magazine last summer.

 If you want to get to know a most amazing designer and overall lovely lady, then check out Lindsey on her incredible site Lost & Fawned.

Anyway, enjoy! All photos taken on location at Cannon Beach, Oregon.