Emily is expecting! But is it a girl (Paulina) or a boy (Paul)?

I photographed Emily and Mark’s wedding a few years ago at McMenamin’s The Grand Lodge. They then had a beautiful little girl named Delia. She’s just as sweet as her name. Now Emily is pregnant with their second child and have chosen not to find out the sex of the baby until he or she is here. I did that with my own second child and have to say that it was the most fantastic surprise ever.

I came over to their new home and photographed Delia, and Emily’s bebe belly, and the entire family all together before the arrival of the newest family member. I LOVE these kind of moments because they’re family portrits, but there’s always a little tinge of electricity in the air with the little one still in the photos but still hidden inside the warmth of mommy’s belly.

Eek, I’m very excited for them all! Emily tried to get my guess as to what the sex of the baby will be, but I told her I’m the worst at that. I thought my daughter was going to be a boy and my son was going to be a girl, so maybe YOU should ask me and then take the exact opposite of what I think, ha!

 Congratulations and the best of luck to Emily, Mark, Delia, and your new little one!




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